Saturday, October 29, 2011

Diary entry

I am a conquistador from Spain  who sailed all the way to the other side of a new and unseen world by the Europeans. I  have just landed on the land of mystery. It is a weird place, because it is not like any other place that we have seen before. The houses are made out of stone and not wood. The people fight with bow and arrows and not with guns. Also people paint on their faces like little children. They also thought that we were riding deers what idiots. When we were on the land of Mexico they thought that we were returning gods. They that we were coatzelcoatal and his returning army. But we were just an army coming to invade their land for it's goods. When we were searching for their goods, for example gold, they thought we were taking vengeance on them. Also they thought that one god is less powerful than many gods. Although they weren't educated it's nice that I invaded and saw a new part of the world. 

1 comment:

  1. 38/40 - You started well but and have covered the main points but there is not enough depth to this towards the ened. You essentially list the answers one after the other.

    T - add more depth.
